Latest Update: March 2022

Welcome to Quest Human Capital S.à r.l.-S (QHC from now onwards), 12, Rue du Château d'Eau 3364 Leudelange.  As you probably are aware of, to properly perform our services, we collect and use information about you.
This Candidate Privacy Information Statement describes your privacy rights in relation to the information about you that we process, as well as the steps we take to protect your privacy.  The terms of this Statement may change from time to time. We shall publish any material changes to this Statement through appropriate notices either on our website or contacting you using other communication channels. 

Chapter 1 - Terms and abbreviations

You will be referred to as ‘the Candidate’ or ‘You’.
When we talk about ‘us’, or ‘QHC’ the ‘Company’ we mean Quest Human Capital S.à r.l.-S. We have our registered office at 12, Rue du Château d'Eau 3364 Leudelange. Through its different business lines the QHC provides several HR (Human Resources) activities like: recruitment & selection, testing solutions, career transition, talent development, training & education, outplacement, Coaching and more (‘our Activities’).
Finally, this is a statement about information and people. It includes facts about you, but also opinions about you and that you hold (“I’m a football fan” for example). It’s not about information about the Company (although sometimes the two overlap).  This type of information is sometimes called ‘Personal information’, ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ or ‘PII’. We use the term ‘Personal Information’ in this Statement.

Chapter 2 - Collected personal information

An example of Personal information that the company typically collects includes, but is not limited to:
• your name, date and place of birth, contact details and qualifications (education, training courses, etc), documents evidencing your identity and right to work and any other information you listed on your resume or CV;
• LinkedIn and/or any other social media account: your profile data;
• a record of that correspondence;
• feedback about you from our staff and third parties and/or your feedback about us and our services through our satisfaction surveys or about third parties with whom you will decide to allow us to share your personal data for the purpose of our activities;
• we also collect information on your visits to our website/Portal including (but not limited to) your IP address, browser, timestamp, location, country traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data and the resources that you access.;
• we also collect information for marketing purposes and analysis, including information on how your respond to email, sms, phone and other marketing campaigns. We will have asked you for your explicit consent before sending marketing communication via these means;
• photos and videos of your attendance at a video interview or training or similar sessions (you will be given a chance at the session to ask not to be videoed or photographed);
• details of any disabilities and any accommodations we may need to make for you in the workplace; and, when we are permitted to do so by law, we will also collect other sensitive data than only details related to disability. 
• You are also informed that, as part of the selection process, the hiring entity may consult details of your public profile on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), and other public information and records, with the sole purpose of assessing and ascertaining your experience and professional skills, and to know whether your profile is consistent with the QHC culture and values.

Chapter 3 - Purpose of use of personal information

The company collects and processes personal information:
• To provide you with the services you expect us to, like finding you suitable jobs/assignments to apply for, helping you with training, or facilitating the process of applying for jobs/assignments. This includes sending your CV to prospective employers for their consideration and keeping you informed of future work opportunities by email, telephone, mail and/or other communication methods.
• With your consent we may also use your contact data for direct marketing for example via e-mail, messaging or telephone.
• To transfer data to third parties (as described below in section 4).
• To comply with any legal obligation; and
• We will also process your information to:
a. promote the security and protection of people, premises, systems and assets;
b. monitor compliance with internal policies and procedures;
c. administer communications and other systems used by the QHC (including internal contact databases);
d. investigate or respond to incidents and complaints;
e. to promote internally that training sessions have taken place and utilise their content (in the case of photos or videos of training sessions), to market similar sessions internally and externally to third parties. In this case we will ask you for a explicit consent; and
• We are overall required by law to have a ground set out in the law to process the information we hold about you. The legal grounds can be:
# Performing a contract or taking steps prior to entering a contract
# Compliance with legal obligations
# Fulfilment of our legitimate interest
In some cases it is necessary to give us a freely given consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes. You can withdraw from the consent at any time by contacting us at

Chapter 4 –Length of storage of personal information

QHC will keep your personal information for up to 3 years after you authorized us. We will continue to process your data within those 3 years in order to offer you information about possible new job opportunities or interesting new positions, or for the purpose of providing advice on further career opportunities.
If you are successful in finding work through us, the Company will need to keep your personal information for a longer period in order to comply with its on-going legal and contractual obligations. Generally, we retain your personal data concerning taxes, contracts of employment and any financial information (including payroll data and data relating to pay, etc.) for 10 years after your employment ends, and other personal information for 3 years.

Chapter 4 - Transfer of personal information to third parties

To fulfil the purposes set in chapter 3 we will be needed to disclose your data to third parties. We do this in the following circumstances:
• To our clients/prospective employers: we will share your data with clients of ours who are offering jobs/assignments you may be interested in, or who are interested in your profile. They owe contractual and other confidentiality obligations in relation to your data to us, and to you;
• We will share your data with government, police, regulators or law enforcement agencies if, at our sole discretion, we consider that we are legally obliged or authorised to do so or it would be prudent to do so;
• To our suppliers. We will, for example, engage a supplier to carry out administrative and operational work in support of our relationship with you. The supplier(s) will be subject to contractual and other legal obligations to preserve the confidentiality of your data and to respect your privacy, and will only have access to the data they need to perform their functions; the relevant suppliers are typically, but not exclusively:
◦ External HR consultants offering support for specific projects
◦ IT suppliers (who host or support our IT systems, including information about you), including providers of video interview and skills assessment tools.
◦ Premises management companies
◦ Back office finance and accounting management providers .


Chapter 5 – List of Rights

• Right to access and obtain a copy of your personal information
You are entitled to request confirmation whether we process any of your personal information. Where this is the case, you have the right to access to some of your personal information (via the Portal) and to certain information about how it is processed. In some cases, you can ask us to provide you with an electronic copy of your information. In some limited circumstances, you also have the right to request portability of your personal information, which means, we will provide them to a third party upon your request.
• Right to correct your personal information
If you can demonstrate that personal information we hold about you is not correct, you can request that this information is updated or otherwise corrected. 
• Right to delete/right to be forgotten
In certain circumstances you have the right to request that your personal data is deleted.  You can make such a request at any time and QHC will evaluate if your request should be granted, however this right is subject to any legal rights or obligations where we need to retain data. For situations where in accordance with the law, we determine that your request to have your personal information deleted must be granted, QHC will do so without undue delay. Please bear in mind, once your data is deleted – that the Company might not be of service to you anymore once this data about you has been deleted. If you want to re-register with the company again, you will need to re-enter your data.
• Right to restrict
In certain circumstances, you have the right to restrict the processing of your Personal Data. However, in some instances such restriction of processing may limit the Services that you can receive from us.
• Right to object
 As far as the company’s processing of your data is based on the company’s legitimate interest (and no other processing ground) or relates to direct marketing, you are entitled to object to the Company processing your data by reference to your particular situation.
If you want to contact our data protection officer, please  email us at : .
Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in the place where you live or work, or in the place where you think an issue in relation to your data has arisen.

Quest Human Capital S.à r.l.-S
Registered office : 12, Rue du Château d'Eau 3364 Leudelange
Tel. :+352621747067 / +33 658751241
Email :
RCS Number : B 263810