Individual Services

Interview Optimization & Proactive Talent Promotion

Diamonds in nature look like broken glass and, if their value potential is still there, it could pass unnoticed or be undervalued. Thanks to our extensive experience in reviewing hundreds of thousands of CVs and interviewing tousends of professionals in many sectors, we could help polish your hidden Gems and make them shine at their best. 

  • Interview coaching

  • Resume review and optimization

  • Interview Sparring Partnership

  • Talent assessment: "Unveil your treasures"


Coaching it's not just a cool trend but a valuable investment for both individual Coachees and Companies they are working for. Our Company can offer the support of professional ICF Coaches with different approaches and seniority able to enhance the talents of both low performers in search for success and Top performers willing to overcome their limits and achieve even higher goals! By training our clients' managers and providing coaching and Mentoring techniques, our team will help to anticipate and minimise training and motivation gaps. 

  • Executive Coaching

  • "Manager as Coach" trainings