Quest Human Capital

Partner to find, enhance and Promote Talents

What is the Quest ?

Traditionally "the Quest" was the research of the Holy Grail done by Arthurian Knights. But what's the Grail in modern world for Professionals and Corporations?  Many would say technology and, indeed,  we can not imagine to be competitive without surfing the wave of new tools and medias. But Technology and Medias are the weapons and the steeds of Modern Knights, but instruments and weapons are useless and worthless without a scope. At Quest Human Capital we believe the Modern Grail is the Talents that define us as Human beings: there lies the key of Companie's success.

Where to find those Talents? Companies tends to assume the Grail is to be "hunted" on the Market. Sometimes it's true, but hidden Gems are often hiding much closer: they just need to be encouraged to emerge and shine. With Quest Human Capital  Companies and Individuals will have a partner able to FIND,  ENHANCE and PROMOTE their Talents.

What is the Quest ?

The Founder

Federico Vergallo - Founder & CEO

Federico is an Entrepreneur and a Lawyer with over 17 Years of experiene in Talent acquisition Learning & Development. As an HR Process designer he lead large teams of talented individuals on EU scale projects for some of the biggest Corporations in the world.

But Federico is also a geek with a limitless interest for new forms of communication and platforms to expand his Vision. He is a strong believer that Diversity is the greatest value whilst never forgetting his roots.  He abides by  punctuality and is a time management maniac and an amateur poet. He is  persuaded that good insights could come likewise form Grandms's quotes, structured trainings, Twitch streamers and Managing Directors! 

Federico is many things all Humans... and is constantly studying to evolve to his "next level"!

The Founder